
Welcome to HETI's website

HETI is a classic racing yacht of the 12mR class. Her home port is Hamburg, but during the season she is mostly in Kiel and sails on the Baltic Sea. As part of the Baltic Fleet, which consists of a dozen 12ers, she regularly takes part in important regattas, including the Robbe&Berking Sterling Cup, the Kiel Week and the German Classics. She also participates in the Hafengeburtstag and other big events in Hamburg.


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HETI - Tracking



Freunde der Segelyacht HETI e.V.

Grosse Elbstr. 42

22767 Hamburg

MAIL: ahoi@heti-12mr.de

TEL: +49 40 319 6091

Our donation account:

Freunde der Segelyacht Heti e.v.
IBAN: DE11200505501001219672

Hamburger Sparkasse